occur at times situations you have not prepared for. I often encounter these situations when running RPGs. PCs are renowned for doing the
incorrect thing at basically every opportunity, and about the only thing
you can guarantee when you make a dungeon is that the PCs won't see
it all. Commonly enough they'll seek out the things that aren't the
dungeon and don't, in fact, exist yet. Deliberately. To upset you.
Here is a thing I use to throw content at them until they straighten themselves out and stop ruining the game for everyone*. It's for D&Dlike games. It fits comfortably on an A5 page. You may enjoy it.
Here is a thing I use to throw content at them until they straighten themselves out and stop ruining the game for everyone*. It's for D&Dlike games. It fits comfortably on an A5 page. You may enjoy it.