Saturday 27 May 2017

How Much Does Art and Craftwork Cost?

I'm sick of trying to use my brain to answer this question on the fly. There needs to be variation: Most of the art needs to be cheap, but some of it needs to be really expensive. So! Solved with one dice-roll!

Hieronymus Bosch - Christ in Limbo

Art Prices For New Feierland:

1) Roll 3D6, and add them up.

2) For each 6 rolled, add a zero to the number.
3) For better/worse art, roll more/less D6.
4) For large pieces, multiply by 2, 5, 10, or 20.

e.g. 3D6:
- 4, 2, 6 = 12 g.
- I rolled a 6, so add a zero: 120 g.
- If it were as big as a horse, I might make it cost 20 times that: 2400 g.

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