Saturday, 24 June 2017

New Feierland Merchants: Earthenware & Stongemonger; Glassier

Modest yet mysterious; rustic and eccentric. Earthenware, Stonemongery and The Glassier! Enriched adventurers ought to find plenty of odd things to waste their curiously earned coins on in these fine establishments. If nothing else, the perusal of such may help to inspire in players a greater understanding and investment in the lands they explore.

In unrelated news, the Town Crier wish it known that reports of Invisible Elven Necromancers are likely Highly Exaggerated. Citizens are reminded that panic or other forms of Unjustified Negativity are illicit. Furthermore, rapport with The Loquacious Or Otherwise Misbehaving Dead is illicit. Any Deceased Citizens found ambulating Beyond the stipulated boundaries of The Graveyard are to be either Destroyed Or Captured before being transported in an Approved Crate to The Sanitarium.

Earthenware & Stonemonger
Barda Chyfles - 70 y.o. skeptic
Pepin the Gypsy - 30 y.o. alcoholic
Services Cost (g)
Services Cost (g)
Chimney installation ~ 21 per metre
Lantern reconstructuration 5 per lantern
Repair & reconstructory ~ 3 per hour
En-Mirror item 15 (plus mirror)
Statue crafting ~ 600 per m3
Craft fake jewel ~ 20 - 40
Impress law unto stone 1 per word
Fill with molten glass 30 per litre
Derive facial mould ~ 10 per face
Identify strange glassware ~ 10 - 60

Item Cost (g)
Item Cost (g)
Granite Block ~3 tonnes, 1 m3 326 per m3
Craft of Fulgurite x 20
Granite (~ 33 cm cube, 100 kg) 12 per block
Craft of Obsidian x 5
Marble as granite
Stained Glass ~ 100 per m2
Serpentine x 2
Windows ~ 20 per m2
Ironstone x 0.5
Glass bead 1
Seastone (lime) x 0.3
Beverage glass 4

Beaker 5
Bricks (3 kg each) 1 each
Small bottle/vial/flask 7
Bowl or plate 2
Glass brooch 10
Small flask 2
Mirror of small surface 10
Dice of stone and clay 2 each
Glass shardings, empouched 10
Ceramic jar 3
Hollow'd, shattering knife 10
Mugs 3
Health-eggs 13
Pot, jug or pitcher 4
Marbles, empouched 15
Vase or urn 5
Glass pottery 15
Whetstone 7
Phallus or meditation rod 15
Clay hat 9
Serpent, en-coiled 20
Clay lamp 10
Glass stallion 25
Crucible 12
Wineglass that is a squid 25
Stone bludgeon 14
Decorated flask 25
Grindstone 17
Greenglass dagger 26
Jug shaped like an Owl 17
Prism which fits in a hand 30
Mortar and or pestle 17
Glass bear, a-roar 35
Pig-shaped pot 17
Leathercup goggles 39
Granitite axe 19
Spiralling, confusing ornament 42
Pot; Man whose head en-lids 19
Hourglass 45
Jug which is an ox 24
Chalice or Goblet 50
Urn; half of a pregnant woman 25
Apothecarial Calcinator 60
Millstone 250
Aquarium, middling 65
Bricks (3 kg each) 1 each
Apothecarial Still 75
Tiles for a roof or floor, laid 10 per m2
Mirror of folksized proportions 78
Ventland Ranks game tiles 13 per set of 17
Apothecarial Retort 100

Apothecarial Alembic 140

Magnification lense 220

Chess Set - Feierland v Elves 225

Spectacles for Humans 410

Spyglass 1,346

Creative Commons License etc.: 

Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International

Wednesday, 21 June 2017

New Feierland Merchants: Weaponeer; Armourer; Bowyer

Greetings! Three different merchants today - weapons; armour; bows and arrows. Complete with modification options, different material costs, and weirdness. Perfect for draining your coffers and advertising your success! Imperfect for combating fleshless and peculiar Fae! Everything a beleaguered young Braviard needs to build a false sense of security.

Folks are reminded to Remain Vigilant, for the Elf never sleeps and hates our way of life.

Weaponeer & Swordwright Weaponeer & Swordwright (cont.)
Odo Brookerjohn - Grim 50 y.o. Odo Brookerjohn - Grim 50 y.o.
Services Cost (g) Item Cost (g)
Fixing ~ 5 per hour Glaive 45
Tailored Weaponeering + 20 ish Demi-lance 48
Pattern weldering x 2 Crown & chain 52
Inspect craftsmanship ~ 5 Poleaxe 53
Make weapon bear a pistol base costs + ~ 35 Crow's pike 58
Fancify weapon Client's choice Mariner's hook 59
Hollow pommel/scabbard + 15 Mancatcher 83
Weaponised scabbard + 35 Lime-Staff (Deliver lime/acid) 84
Install weapon cord + 5 Bear trap 87
Install sheath in clothes or thing + 25 Oil-mallet (Spills oil on strike) 96
Convert tool to decent weapon ~ 5 Censer-flail 107
Identify strange metal ~ 10 Corpsehammer (corpse in cage) 121

Bear-catcher (Shafted bear-trap) 135
Item Cost (g)

*Most weapons crafted of bronze
Craft of Bog-iron x 2 Smolsword (short) ~ 100
Craft of Steel x 5 Mariner (Cutlass) ~ 135
Craft/Sheath with Silver x 50 War sword (long) ~ 150
Craft of Meteoric Iron (none avail) x 100 Longblade (1 or 2 handed) ~ 175

Oxsword (2 handed) ~ 200
Stone oil (50 ml) 2

Whetstone 5

Hawk dagger 10

Banded Club 12

Jevellin 14

Scabbard or sheath 15

Longdagger 15

Boar spear 15

Hetchet 16

Spade 16

Pitchfork 19

Scythe 20

Thorned whip 26

Warhammer 32

Crowned mace 33

Felling axe 35

Bola 33

Vanquishing sack (for heads) 33

Bearded axe 35

Boarding axe 37

Maul 38

Dogtooth-pick 39

Ball & chain 41

Polehammer 42

Drill-pick 43

Barbed sickle 44

Armourer & Shieldsman
Bowyer & Fletcher
The Dog, Richard Fulk - 52 y.o. Storyteller
Finion Donnchad 12 y.o. Fen-dweller
Services Cost (g)
Leif Fletchersson - Shy, Stoic 22 y.o.
Repairs ~ 5 per hour
Services Cost (g)
Quick-release bespokery x 1.5
Fix-work ~ 3 per hour
Spikening or bladed bespokery + 178
Craft unusual arrow ~ 15
Empouchment + 45
Engrave name on arrow 5 or more
Bespokery of concealed nooks + 85
Discuss Father -
Shine/Glory related bespokery Client's choice
Hunt Known Elf ~ 300
Bespokery of guise and charade x 2

Make for colts, mares et al. x 10
Item Cost (g)
Make for smaller beasts x 2 - 5
Sheaf arrows (each) 1
Fire or water defiant x 3
Quarrels (each) 1
Scented x 2 (or more)
Quiver 3
Mirror/reflective bespokery x 4
Winged lancet 9
Candlebearing + 28
Hawkdagger 11
Religiousness of sorts x 10
Sling 13
Heraldrified Item x 3
Self-bow 50

War-bow 163
Item Cost (g)
Lock & Lever (crossbow) 200
*Metals usually bronze

Scrupulous shafts (each)
Craft of Bog-iron x 2
Flight 2
Craft of Steel x 5
Bluntiron 2
Light Per piece/Full suit
Swallotail or War shaft 3
Snailled Coat (Shell-mail) 8 / 45
Steeldirk 3
Stuffed Linen 9 / 55
Swimming arrow (for fishing) 3
Knotted furs 12 / 75
Moonhead (Rope cutter) 5
Goatskin Cloakery 115 (full only)
Goathorn (Drill, e.g. softwoods) 8
Bonework Brigandine 20 / 133
Rope shaft (30 m) 9
Bronze bevor-vest (plate) 50 (torso only)
Courier-shaft (Scrolltubed) 11

Kite-arrow (Whistling) 12
Furnished Leather 40 / 245
Vial-shaft (shattering vial) 13
Cured Varanhide (Lizardscale) 50 / 335
Hearthcage (for starting fires) 15
Bronze Ring-jack 80 / 550

Brigandine (Varied stain/flush) 82 / 570

Ironic Greatcoat 620 (full only)


Banded Tunic 180 / 1,160

Mascled Hauberk 1250 (full only)

Maille & Jack 215 / 1465


Craft of Bronze x 3

Smolshield 16

Roundshield 25

Mainsail 40

- Lanterned shield + 38

- Skeaned shield (bladed) + 45

- Sconced shield (compartment) + 34

Creative Commons License etc.: 

Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International

Thursday, 15 June 2017

New Feierland Merchants: Librarium & Scriptorian; Artificer & Tinker

Two more exciting merchants and their associated services and trappings. The Librarium has some useful little bits and pieces for helping to generate random books. Between this and a table of random inspirations, books are no longer a problem. Much rejoicing. Enjoy!

17 (or more) New Feierland Merchants to come! Next up... I'm not sure. Maybe some weapons and armour or something.

It is reminded that Depression Of Any Kind is Illicit, punishable by Snail Tattoos.

Librarium & Scriptorian Artificer & Tinker
Samuel of Sheep's Hood - Haunted 12 y.o. Skalleglas The Wake - Gut-trusting 34 y.o.
Bortheus Bronnenbier – 77 y.o. Pessimist Services Cost (g)
Services Cost (g) Collude to build contraption ~ 5 per hour
Scribery 3 per page Copy key (from mould) 15 or more
Translation 10 - 30 per page Mend or redress ~ 5 per hour
Reading 1 per page Unfasten lock 10 or more
Forgery & Fabrication 50 or more Attach bit to piece 15 or more
Investigate unnerving tome 25 or more Cog/Winchify item 35 or more
Parchment for the above 4 per page Item Cost (g)
Book rental (per week) 1 per 10 pages Pin/needle 1
Item Cost (g) Whistle 6
Letter of Marque 250 - 2500 Flint & steel 10
Chalk rods (pouch) 1 Blank key (wax) 12
Charcoal sticks (pouch) 1 razor (cutthroat) 15
Quill 4 Plumbline (5 m) 15
Parchment 4 Quicklime (powder, fistful) 16
Waterproof parchment 10 Twine or string (ball) 16
Ink (black; 50 ml or 500 pages) 25 Bronze mirror 22
Inks (coloured; 50 ml) 50 Locket 22 + lock cost
Dubious local maps 10 Small mechanism/contraption 25
Map to undiscovered location 25 Scissors 26
Treasure map 50 Scales 31

Lockpicks 34
Approx 150 books in the Librarium
Articulated wood mannequin 35
1 in 6 chance of book with specific topic/type Lockbox 35 + lock cost
3 in 6 chance of book on a topic (random type) Divining-Rod 34
In smaller Librariums, 1 in 6 chance of latter Crank-drill 38

Ring of keys 43
Book Type Length (pages) Lock & key, bad 45
1. Applicatory Manual D100 x 5 Intricate folding candleholder 45-60
2. Traveller's guide/bestiary D20 x 20 (Flower, squid, gothic, elks)
3. Folktome/Novel/Story D8 x 40 Winchwork blade sharpener 64
4. Review/manifesto/critique D10 x 20 Filter hood 65
5. Response to author D20 x 10 Manacles or fetters 66
6. Philosophical manuscript D20 x 20 Lodestone 66
7. Garrulous madness D1000 Block & tackle 71
8. Play, poetry, or child's tales D100 x 5 Clockwork clock 79
9. Religious codex D6 x 100 Sextant 84
10. Biography D6 x 50 Compass 106

50 g + per page Cogwork chopping machine 135

Double if good Articulated Clamourbird clock 149
Length: D100 x 5 pages
Tiny clockwork creatures 150 - 250
Approx 50 g per page, more if rare etc. (Ox, octopus, moorhen, wolf,
250 words per page squirrel, snake, rat, woman)
Avg. Book = 10 - 80 k words (40 - 320 pages) Lock & key, robust 163
Maps are crap but give bonus to not be lost Magnifying glass 235

Music box 263
Write/copy 1/2 page per hour, 5 per day Alchemical thermometre 369
Book costs ~ £2 - 16, more if fancy
Spyglass 1476

Astrolabe 4000

Creative Commons License etc.: 

Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International